
Must-Read Links: Serena Williams’s Legacy, Lululemon’s Atrocities, + More

The most compelling stories from our favorite sources.

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Serena Williams Is Today’s Muhammad Ali

“Serena Williams is more than just our 21st-century Michael Jordan. If we take a break from defending her, which her detractors do not make easy, it becomes increasingly clear that she is also perhaps our Muhammad Ali.” At The Nation, Dave Zirin draws stunning comparisons between the political and politicized champion boxer with the champion tennis player, whose every triumph brings with it racist and misogynist scrutiny.


“That’s What Happened Between Me and Clark”

This riveting story, by Helen Anne Peterson at BuzzFeed, reveals the lengths Hollywood starlet Loretta Young went to in order to hide the origin of her “illegitimate” daughter, fathered by industry cad Clark Gable. Not until Loretta was in her 80s did she have the language to describe her experience.


Lululemon Diaries: My Life in an Exploitative Libertarian Happiness Cult

If you needed a reason to not buy Lululemon’s workout gear (besides the fact that it’s exorbitantly expensive), this tell-all at Jezebel by an anonymous employee will give you plenty of them.


At Comic Con it Feels Like the Year of the Woman

“Furiosa’s presence amid the Disney princesses and Manga pixies is an especially potent sign of the feminism that is a big part of this event.” According to A.O. Scott at the New York Times, the typically dude-heavy fest is finally seeing a shift toward strong women.


The Shame We Carried

This story, by Jessica Machado at Guernica, opens with her mother’s last words, before wrenchingly unpacking the complicated relationship she had with her, the short shrift women got before the sexual revolution, and the heavy pain of shame.


What Open Marriage Taught One Man About Feminism

“Before my wife started sleeping with other men, I certainly considered myself a feminist, but I really only understood it in the abstract,” writes Michael Sonmore for The Cut about his open marriage, which is full of fascinating revelations about his new understanding of relationships, sex, power, and, of course, feminism.


Post-Cosby, Is it Easier or Harder to Expose Famous Predators

At Flavorwire, Sarah Seltzer looks at the recent rash of survivors coming out against their famous rapists—Cosby, Fowley—and examines the effects, good and bad, these allegations might have on a public that loves to disavow women.


The Backlash Against Caitlyn Jenner Proves She Deserved Her ESPY Award

“With the history of how broader social inclusion often correlates with advancements in athletics, Jenner’s action and advocacy may very well have a ripple effect in the sports world for many years to come,” writes Derrick Clifton at the Daily Dot.


Sandra Bland Drove to Texas to Start a New Job. So How Did She End Up Dead?

At the Root, Stephen A. Crockett Jr. asks what we’re all wondering: How did Illinois Black woman Sandra Bland get pulled over for improperly signaling a lane change, only to be found dead in her jail cell two days later? #SayHerName


Unarmed Mississippi Man Died After 20-Minute Police Chokehold, Witnesses Say

Yes, this happened, too. Because this is the kind of horrific week we’re having.


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