Red and white illustrations of various people walking their dogs.

We're getting personal about pets

Welcome to The Companion Chronicles

Things are dark right now.  It can feel hopeless, like nothing-we’re-doing-is -having-a-positive-impact dark. We need something to get us out of our beds and on our feet, to feel some sense of hope and brightness. Who does that for us? Our pets.

That’s why DAME Magazine launched The Companion Chronicles in June. Think of it as a “timeline cleanse” for your inbox. You subscribe to enough newsletters that make you want to scream into the void, so here’s a treat just for you. 

Written and edited by Sophie Vershbow, each issue of The Companion Chronicles will feature an interview with someone we know and love about what matters most–– their dogs. We’ll talk to writers, actors, activists, politicians, and beloved internet personalities about their canine companions, and in doing so, get to know them better too. We guarantee an abundance of adorable photos in each issue! 

We’ll also be spotlighting life-saving rescue organizations across the country working to place homeless animals in safe and loving homes. All dogs are good dogs, but we have a special place in our hearts for rescued pups. 

This newsletter is by, about, and for capital P, Pet People who know that our companions are much more than “just a pet.” They’re our everything.

Sound like you? Sign up now!

And if you think you and your very good boi or girl should be featured, send us an email at [email protected]