Welcome to The Stakes

A Newsletter Just Trying to Save Democracy

Subscribe to The Stakes

Every election, there is a similar refrain: “This is the most important election of our lifetime!”

But in 2024, it’s true.

Democracy itself really is on the ballot. That’s not hyperbole. It’s not a fundraising ploy. It’s a cold, hard fact.

Over the past several years, we’ve witnessed the shocking rise of authoritarianism and all of the ugliest fellow–isms that ride alongside it. We’ve watched an entire political party embrace its most radical extremes, unapologetically screaming the quiet parts out loud and enacting policies of cruelty.

That party doesn’t want you to vote. And if you do vote, they want to make sure your vote doesn’t matter.

It’s almost enough to make you want to throw your hands up and say, “We’re fucked.”

But we think an informed electorate is a winning one.

That’s why we’re bringing back The Stakes, a newsletter to help voters understand the many ways democracy itself will be on the ballot come 2024, and what you can do to make sure democracy wins.

Every issue of The Stakes will examine different aspect of our democracy that’s on the line: free speech, the judiciary, schools, voting access, abortion rights, trans rights, justice, climate action and more. We’ll look at the big picture: why it matters and what could happen if we lose. We’ll look at some of the worst actors who are trying to undermine our governing system, and we’ll be honest with you about the real consequences of their actions.
But we’ll also talk about the candidates and organizations fighting to preserve it, and who you can support to make a difference.

We’re eschewing the palace intrigue from inside the beltway and focusing the policies, people, and propaganda that will influence voter’s choices and impact outcomes.

We will analyze major races and how that will affect legislation in every state and uncover the impact to the local population. We’ll also have easy-to-share explainer videos and data graphics to help you arm your friends and family with the facts they need.

If this sounds like exactly what you need to help you get through election season — and inspired to act — you need The Stakes in your inbox. Sign up today.

And we’d love if you’d support this critical initiative by becoming a monthly member for just $5.00 or make a one-time gift in any amount.