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The War on Women Didn’t Stop With Overturning Roe

From bounty-hunters to “fetal personhood” bills, GOP state lawmakers are finding new ways to criminalize not only terminating pregnancies, but nearly all forms of bodily autonomy.

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Since the fall of Roe v. Wade,  I’ve gotten really obsessed with survival competition TV. The psychology driving this isn’t exactly subtle; watching low-stakes demonstrations of human resilience while the world is falling apart lends me some sense of reassurance that at least some of us can, well, survive.

My favorite moment comes about halfway through any given season of Survivor, when the contestants—by this time filthy and starving and literally fighting for scraps—are given the opportunity to compete for luxuries like soap, steaks, or blankets. Even from the comfort of my couch, I feel the winners’ relief in a visceral, almost palpable way. But these “luxuries,” which are really basic necessities, never last: Soap gets used up, steaks get eaten, and blankets get soaked or stolen. Soon, it’s back to standard-operating misery, and the players who remain adapt anew.

This is what humans do. Whether we’re vying for a million-dollar prize or just trying to see another sunrise, some of us can find ways to put up with almost anything. It’s both heartening and terrifying, considering some of us never stop finding ways to make each other miserable.

It wasn’t enough for the anti-abortion lobby and their political allies to end federal protections for (some) abortion rights. It was never going to be enough, as evidenced by the long slate of new and expanded abortion bans, criminalization efforts, and attempts to codify fetal personhood that are already in motion. A selection of some of the worst:


Not all—and perhaps not even most—of these proposals will make it into law this year. Maybe not even next year. Many of them sound so outlandish that it’s tempting for folks who don’t know better to write them off as the work of unhinged extremists with no hope of success.

But recall what they said about overturning Roe v. Wade—that the law of the land would never be overruled. For decades, the activists, medical professionals, and pro-abortion leaders who warned about Roe’s impending demise were told they were overreacting to a few fringe zealots. That it would somehow be possible to find common ground between those who believe the government has no right to force us to stay pregnant against their will, and those who would see people who have abortions, and their doctors and even supporters, prosecuted for murder.

The anti-abortion movement has never been and is not now driven by compassionate people looking to find consensus on a difficult issue. It is driven by misogynistic bigots who aim to mold the United States into a white supremacist, conservative Christian theocracy. These are not shady machinators whose identities and motivations are unknowable. We know their names: Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation, Jonathan Mitchell, and the Alliance Defending Freedom, among others. They are open about this; their plan even has a name—Project 2025—and its own website. For their friends, they dole out billions in campaign funds and dark money, buy cushy legal placements, and secure primo political positions.

These people will only be stopped by being stopped. There’s no hoping that one sunny day sometime soon, Republican politicians and the Americans who support them will simply wake up and decide that this time, just this once, they’ve gone too far.

They do not mind that abortion bans kill, maim, and traumatize pregnant people, because that’s what abortion bans are meant to do. Hell, they know that they don’t even need to pass abortion bans to dissuade pregnant people from trying to access care, to scare abortion supporters out of helping others access care, or to terrorize doctors out of saving their pregnant patients’ lives. Threats will work well enough for now; in time, they hope to do enough additional damage to the democratic project through gerrymandering and disenfranchisement that growing public support for abortion rights—and there’s plenty of it, even in supposedly “red” geographies—won’t matter in most places.

I say this not in despair, but rather in hope: There is so much we can do to stem the tide of abortion bans and restrictions, if only we will embrace pro-abortion politics with full hearts and loud voices. We must counter our own human instincts and refuse to adapt to the new anti-abortion normal. We can’t play politics on anti-abortion terms, scrambling for scraps, when doing so means putting pregnant people’s real lives at risk. 

We have to pull ourselves out of survival mode if we’re going to change the game entirely.


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