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That Sound You Hear Is the Internet Reacting to Sean Spicer’s Resignation as White House Press Secretary

A photo of Sean Spicer speaking to the White House press corps

Oh Covfefe Spice, we hardly knew ye.

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From the instant Sean Spicer debuted as White House secretary to the day he resigned, he provided a litany of, shall we say, “memorable” moments. There was his very first press conference, where he insisted that Trump’s inauguration crowd was largest ever. PERIOD. Then there was the time he claimed Hitler never used chemical weapons, to the priceless reactions of the reporters in the room. And of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg over the course of Spicer’s fraught six-month tenure. So, people were understandably shocked that Spicey had suddenly resigned.

Of course, Twitter had jokes.







Folks also recalled Spicer’s “greatest hits.”





And then it sunk in that it might be the end of Melissa McCarthy impersonating Spicer on Saturday Night Live.







Then people tried to make sense of Trump’s new hire, Anthony Scaramucci, the incoming White House communications director.








But the take of the day probably went to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who clearly doesn’t have any time for this shit.



Who knows what the future will bring with Scaramucci at the helm now. But we’re gonna bet on it being anything but uneventful.