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Must-Read Links: Everything’s Coming Up Hillary Rodham Clinton

The most compelling stories from our favorite sources about this week's history-making presidential nomination.

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This week we witnessed history in the making, when Hillary Rodham Clinton became the first woman in America’s 240 years to secure the presidential nomination for a major political party. Even many of the feminists who solidly feel the Bern, couldn’t help but get a little verklempt listening to Clinton’s speech after the delegate-clinching Tuesday primaries. She began with a shout out to Seneca Falls, “when a small but determined group of women and men came together with the idea that women deserved equal rights,” and continued with a gracious celebration of that monumental crack in the political glass ceiling. Here, we relish in the groundbreaking nature of this week’s events, with a roundup dedicated solely to HRC.


What Hillary Imagines

Speaking of getting verklempt, try not to tear up when you read this short piece by Gail Colling in the New York Times, about with whom Clinton would like to share the news of her nomination.


It’s Time to Admit Hillary Clinton Is an Extraordinarily Talented Politician

“Whether you like Clinton or hate her—and plenty of Americans hate her—it’s time to admit the reason Clinton was the one to break [the glass ceiling in American politics] is because Clinton is actually really good at politics,” writes Ezra Klein in his eye-opening breakdown of what we value in a campaigning candidate.


News of Clinton’s Historic Nomination Reaches Susan B. Anthony

People decorated Susan B. Anthony’s gravestone with “I Voted” stickers and a newspaper declaring Clinton’s historic presumed nomination, something the dedicated suffragist probably couldn’t have even fathomed.



Hillary’s “History Made” Video

A visual aid from the HRC campaign, just to put it all in perspective.


Hillary Clinton Vs. Herself

As Rebecca Traister’s riveting profile in New York magazine puts forth, “There’s nothing simple about this candidacy—or candidate.


Campaign Announces Clinton Has Entered Incubation Period After Securing Nomination

Because what’s a historic nomination without the Onion’s take?



Hillary Rodham Clinton’s 1969 Student Commencement Speech

Enjoy this vintage HRC clip that proves she’s been kicking ass and taking names for more than four decades.


Hillary Clinton’s Feminist Mission: Defeat America’s Biggest Sexist

With the nomination all but secured, it’s time for Hillary to take her sexist-battling experience and put it toward beating Republican nominee Donald Trump. Luckily, she’s more than prepared to do that, writes Jeet Heer at the New Republic.


Yes, Hillary’s Nomination for President Really Is a Big Effin’ Deal

And of course, at DAME Jen Deaderick lays out exactly why this nomination is a victory for women, whether they voted for Hillary or not.