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Must-Read Links: Winona Forever, Susan Sarandon’s Shutdown + More

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Between the CDC’s warning about women and drinking and Piers Morgan’s attempt at cleavage-shaming Susan Sarandon, we’ve got plenty of patriarchal reproaching to rile us up this week. Thankfully we’ve also got Rebecca Traister digging into society’s “problem” with Hillary (and how she’s dealing with it), Ann Friedman parsing the difficulties of being a ‘No’ Woman, and Soraya Roberts delving into our obsession with Winona Ryder, and the arrested development we’ve thrust upon her. We’re adding a little levity with Rihanna and Clooney and a cheeky game of Never Have I Ever, a perhaps too-true Onion story, a teenage escape courtesy of Tavi Gevinson with a trip to her apartment, and, of course, Susan Sarandon’s tweet that made us want to high-five the Internet. Happy Friday!


An Unrealistic Warning from the CDC to Women: Don’t Drink Unless You’re Using Birth Control

Medical misogyny is alive and well! Funny the CDC doesn’t mention EVERYTHING ELSE that could affect fetal health, like, you know, living.


Watch Rihanna and George Clooney Play ‘I Never’ on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

We didn’t know we needed to see Rihanna chiding George Clooney about the incriminating things he has or has not done, but apparently we did. Thanks Ellen.


Thursday Cry Moved Up to Wednesday Due to Scheduling Conflict

The Onion knows the struggle is real.


Winona, Forever

At Hazlitt, DAME contrib Soraya Roberts goes deep into the career of our favorite ’90s ingénue, and begins to parse what’s behind our inability to let her grow up.


In Iowa, Hillary Shows She’s Learned Something About Running While Female

“Here is a truth about America: No one likes a woman who yells loudly about revolution.” Rebecca Traister nails the difference between Hillary and Bernie, and how Clinton might just work that difference to her advantage.


Susan Sarandon Shuts Down Piers Morgan: Her Response to his Cleavage-Shaming Is Perfect

Susan and her delightful décolletage take down the blustering talk show host with one tasteful tweet.


For Every ‘Yes’ Man at Work, There’s a ‘No’ Woman

Agent Scully might be the most visible one in pop culture, but at The Cut, Ann Friedman breaks down the prevalence—and exhausting emotional work—of being a ‘No’ Woman in a ‘Yes’ Man world.


My First Apartamento: Tavi Gevinson

Multi-hyphenate phenom Tavi Gevinson has the ultimate teen bedroom. We’ll keep this video, a collab between Nowness and Apartamento on hand for when we’re tired of adulting.